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How to Stop Resisting Your Negative Emotions with the C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method

May 11, 2023

Are you stuck in a never-ending loop of anxiety, worry, and negative emotions that won’t let you be? 

I was too. I resisted my negative emotions for so long that I ended up hospitalized for anxiety seizures. 

Many of my life coaching clients come to me experiencing physical manifestations of their own repressed emotions – migraines, digestive issues, trouble sleeping, and more.

I want to teach you one of the most powerful tools I’ve developed that changed my life and has changed the lives of my clients: The C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method!

This 4-step process will help you acknowledge and validate any emotion you are feeling so you can stop giving anxiety (or any other negative emotion) control over your daily life.

Imagine a life where you no longer fear these emotions and can gracefully experience them without needless resistance. 

Keep reading to learn how!

(Already know you want to dive deeper? CLICK HERE to get free, instant access to my email course on the C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method!)


The 4-Step C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method


1 - Confront it

Begin by confronting the emotion you are experiencing and calling it by name. What emotion are you actually feeling? You may not know at first, but take some time to look more closely at what you’re feeling and get specific. 

There are so many emotions that we can experience, and the more precise you can be, the better this method will work. 

If you struggle to name your emotions, the C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method free email course will give you the invaluable skill of identifying any emotion.


2 - Allow It 

Next, it’s time to get out of your head and into your body so you can allow the emotion. Often, we think we’ve been feeling our emotions, but what we’ve actually been experiencing is the pain from our resistance to them. 

The best way to shift from overthinking to experiencing is to do a body scan. Close your eyes and mentally scan your body, starting with your head and moving down. Where in your body are you feeling the emotion? 

Notice and observe where it is and what it feels like – without judgment or resistance.


3 - Listen to it

After locating your emotion and observing it, it’s time to listen to it. What is it trying to tell you? 

Ask your emotions these questions:

  • What message are you trying to give me?
  • What do you need from me?

Listen and be patient for the answers.


4 - Move with it

As you’ve walked through the previous steps, you’ve named your emotions, gotten to know them, relaxed into them, and invited their message.

It’s natural for your mind to attempt to return to the anxious thoughts out of habit. 

Now is the time to engage your mind and turn your attention to something else to continue providing separation from anxious thoughts. 

Be sure to choose something that benefits you and doesn’t just distract or leave you idle. For some helpful activity ideas, check out my C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method free email course.

This final step of moving with the emotion will help you finish the process and transition into the rest of your day with awareness and peace.


Dive deeper with the free C.A.L.M Anxiety Method email course

Want to learn more about this powerful tool? Let me be your guide through the C.A.L.M. Anxiety Method

Sign up for the FREE email course to learn:

  • 2 essential truths you NEED to know about anxiety and other similar emotions
  • Why thinking your way out of anxiety doesn’t work
  • How to retrain your brain and body to calm the anxiety response
  • An in-depth look at the 4 simple steps to walk through when confronted with anxiety, overwhelm, fear, or stress

CLICK HERE to get instant access to the free course!