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Ep. 271- Why Striving for Constant Happiness Could be Holding You Back

Mar 14, 2024

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On the show today we're all about keeping it real when it comes to happiness. You know, the kind that's messy, unexpected, and sometimes downright confusing.

Let's face it, we're bombarded with this idea that we should be happy all the time, right? But what if I told you that striving for that constant state of bliss might be holding us back? Intrigued? Well, you're in the right place!

Join us as we dive deep into the nitty-gritty of why chasing happiness like it's the Holy Grail isn't all it's cracked up to be. We'll unpack the paradoxes, the pitfalls, and the downright weirdness of the happiness game. Plus, we'll share some seriously eye-opening insights on why embracing the lows is just as important as celebrating the highs.

No fluff, no sugar-coating – just real talk about what it means to live an amazing life, warts and all. So, if you're ready to ditch the Instagram filters and get real about happiness, hit that subscribe button and join us on today's epsiode. Trust us, your future self will thank you for it! 

Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

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Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching 
& come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching

If you're wanting to grab a 1:1 spot to learn how to connect more to yourself-  sign up with this link here.