Hey there, I'm Chantel.

I’m a life coach and a master at helping analytical thinkers tap into their emotions.


One day in 2014, I woke up in a hospital, surrounded by doctors.
I'd suffered a series of anxiety seizures caused by my stressful, high-achieving, overly busy life.


I’d known I was busy… but wasn’t everyone?

I didn’t see it as a problem. I actually thought I enjoyed having a packed schedule.

I didn’t realize that my stress, strained relationships, money fears, and massive migraines were a symptom of major underlying anxiety and emotional disconnection.

I was constantly starting new projects to keep my mind and body busy. I felt productive when I was always moving and never sitting down.

If I accomplished enough, I could believe I was enough.

The doctors told me I needed to slow down and stop my stress and anxiety – or plan on a heart attack.


I thought the only way to solve my stress was to get rid of it, which only made me more anxious.

Maybe I needed counseling or medication. 

I had no clue how to manage the emotions I’d been running so fast to get away from.

Luckily, I found a life coach and completely changed my life.  

I learned that feeling stressed didn’t mean something was wrong with me.

I learned how to actually feel my emotions instead of ignoring them and hoping they’d go away. 

I learned I didn’t have to prove my worth through busy-ness, achievement, or the praise and validation of others.


Today I wake up every day energized, in control, and confident.

I’ve stopped trying to outrun my stress and need for validation with endless to-dos and projects.

I’m more connected to my family members and friends.

I still experience stress and anxiety sometimes, but I’ve changed my relationship with my emotions. I validate myself first, then acknowledge what I’m feeling and bring it along with me. 

This skill has allowed me to achieve some of the biggest goals I could dream up – without any more anxiety seizures. 

You can enjoy a satisfying, enjoyable, impactful life too. You can do less and create more. I’ll show you how.

Are you ready?


How you can work with me:

Watch your life transform by working with me one-on-one in my 6-month private coaching program. 

We'll begin by crafting your vision and goals for the next 6 months.

Then we'll meet via Zoom each week to resolve issues, work through obstacles, make continued process toward your goals, and process your emotions in a safe environment.

"Through coaching with Chantel, the growth came in ways I did not anticipate.
I felt less anxious, my mind was more clear, and when troubles did creep up, I was able to reach back to the tools I was given by Chantel and work my way through them. 
Big decisions don’t scare me like they used to and I feel more capable."


Want to get started for free?

Drop your email here and I'll send you the exclusive link to my private podcast.

You'll get instant access to 5 spiritual sprints that will help you reconnect with your goals and emotions each day.

Think of it as your daily spiritual workout. 💪